Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Cara Pakai dan Cara Memelihara Rice Cooker

Lama ga nge-blog euy, coba2 posting lagi ya, cara pakai rice cooker atau yang sekarang lebih kita kenal dengan sebutan Magic Com dimana sebutan tersebut sudah dipatenkan oleh salah 1 brand rice cooker terkemuka.

Pertama, usahakan untuk tidak mencuci beras di panci/teflon rice cooker anda, karena dapat menyebabkan terkikisnya lapisan teflon anti lengket yang bisa menyebabkan NASI MENJADI LENGKET di panci teflon anda saat nasi sudah masak nanti. Mencuci beras di teflon menyebabkan terjadinya gesekan antara beras dan teflon, itulah sebabnya seringkali teflon berubah warna atau baret/tergores padahal kita merasa tidak pernah melukai teflon tersebut dengan benda tajam. 

Kedua, dianjurkan untuk menjaga agar bagian dalam dari mesin rice cooker agar tetap KERING, air atau hawa lembab dapat MENGGANGGU kinerja mesin atau kelistrikan yang ada di dalam rice cooker anda. Selain itu,hal tersebut dapat menjadi penyebab timbulnya kerak dan karat pada rice cooker anda. Jadi pastikan sebelum anda menaruh panci/teflon anda kembali ke dalam mesin,pastikan bagian luar teflon tersebut KERING,dengan cara di lap kering terlebih dahulu

Ketiga, cucilah teflon anda dengan menggunakan spon busa, BUKAN SPON KAWAT. Menggunakan spon kawat memang bisa lebih cepat menghilangkan bekas sisa nasi yang menempel pada panci teflon rice cooker,namun sangat dapat menimbulkan lecet/goresan,yang dalam kurun waktu lama akan menyebabkan hilangnya lapisan teflon dan menyebabkan lengketnya nasi pada panci rice cooker anda

Keempat, sebisa mungkin jangan menggunakan cuk T pembagi listrik atau stop kontak lubang banyak untuk menancapkan aliran listrik rice cooker. Dari pengalaman kami menjual rice cooker, seringkali elemen PENGHANGAT dari rice cooker tidak berfungsi dengan baik saat berbagi colokan dengan barang elektronik lain yang memerlukan listrik lebih besar,seperti kulkas, blender, dan dispenser. Hal yang sering terjadi jika listrik terbagi adalah fungsi memasak normal berfungsi,namun fungsi penghangat terganggu. Kurang panas/ nasi basi kerap kali menjadi keluhan dari konsumen/pengguna yang membagi aliran listrik rice cookernya

Berikutnya, saya akan coba jelaskan cara memasak nasi menggunakan rice cooker.

Langkah awal yang harus kita lakukan adalah menakar beras yang akan kita masak. Gunakan takaran beras yang disertakan dalam paket pembelian rice cooker anda. Untuk perbandingan takaran air dan beras, gunakan rumus LEBIH SATU. Misalkan beras anda 1 gelas takar, maka air yang digunakan nanti untuk memasak adalah 2 gelas takar. Jika anda memasak beras sebanyak 2 gelas takar,maka air yang digunakan adalah 2+1= 3 gelas takar. Artinya, selalu lebihkan air sebanyak 1 gelas takar dibanding banyaknya beras yang anda akan masak. Tapi ingat, saat mengukur beras harus presisi setinggi ujung gelas takar, JANGAN berasnya mengGunung di gelas takar. Menakar beras menggunung dapat menyebabkan tidak pasnya hasil takaran saat memasak (karena menakar air tidak bisa menggunung, pasti air itu datar di gelas takar,hehe..)

Setelah anda menakar beras, cucilah beras tersebut terlebih dahulu di baskom atau mangkok atau di media cuci beras yang ada di skitar anda. Hilangkan kotoran2 yang melayang di air cucian beras anda. (tips: air cucian beras jangan dibuang, gunakan untuk menyiram tanaman, jadi subur lho).

Sesudah beras bersih, masukan beras ke panci teflon rice cooker, lalu masukkan air sesuai dengan rumus LEBIH SATU. Lalu tutup rice cooker dan tekan tombol COOK/ MASAK

Setelah itu kita tinggal menunggu tombol rice cooker berpindah secara otomatis ke WARM/penghangat. Jika posisi tombol sudah berpindah ke posisi warm maka itu berarti nasi anda sudah masak dan siap dikonsumsi. SELAMAT MENCOBA

Buat yang belum punya rice cooker atau mau ganti rice cooker bisa cek instagram kami ya di instagram Tabanan Elektronik atau whatsapp di 087762576682

Monday, November 23, 2009

Yin Yang Collection

I just developed a website for my friend.He has an art gallery in Bali that has broad collection of statues,handmade stonecraft,furniture,and antiques. The gallery is called Yin Yang Collection,located east of Denpasar,at Jalan By Pass Sanur 190. In my opinion,the main reason of why art lover would love Yin Yang Collection's product is because of the product's finishing itself which is done finely by the owner himself,Christian Falino. If you'd like to know more about Yin Yang Collection,please visit their website at www.yinyangbali.com

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Inventory Management
alias Program stok barang
ehem.. ehem.. baru ERDnya aja,, program menyusul, sori kalo nama softwarenya ntar narsis dikit..he he he...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tes Posting

Tes..tes.. Hehe, gi posting blog lewat HP pake Opera Mini. Browser mini yg keren (cuz saya ga isa bikin,klo kamu?) n banyak fiturnya,n gratis..

Friday, June 06, 2008

GOOTAC Mobile Price List - Pre Alpha

GOOTAC Mobile Price List
for Java-enabled Mobile Phone
Copyright (c) 2008, Antony Gumi

GOOTAC Mobile Price List (GMPL) is an application to be used in java-enabled mobile phone with ability to let user manage price list.

GMPL features are:

* Main GMPL features
o Managing list of items
o Managing a price list
o Item search

* In progress
o A lot ^_^'. I'll keep updating, thank you

Phone minimum requirements:

- Java MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1
- Minimum of 500 kBytes of memory

Currently, I haven't writen user manual or online help file for this application. You can use either my blog or emails to interact with me and others. Please, send your feedback about GMPL to my blog (kerjaannyagumi.blogspot.com).

License Agreement

GOOTAC Mobile Price List is a freeware and copyrighted by Antony Gumi. All other brands or products mentioned are subjects to their respective owners. GOOTAC Mobile Price List can be used and/or distributed freely but the content should not be modified. Making money from this application is not allowed. Scan this application distribution for viruses, trojans, or other malicious threats before using it since I cannot guarantee it is as original as I uploaded it to the internet. By downloading and using GOOTAC Mobile Price List you are agreed to be responsible for anything you do using this software.

Antony Gumi

GOOTAC Mobile Price List is available for download here: http://www.4shared.com/file/50263315/a2100cc3/GOOTAC_Mobile_Price_List.html

Bloom News Centre (BNC)

Bloom News Centre (BNC)
for Java-enabled Mobile Phone
Copyright (c) 2008, Antony Gumi

BNC is an application to be used in java-enabled mobile phone with ability to let user share their news and files with others. A user can either be the server (i.e. the one who share the news and files) or be the client (i.e. the one who download the shared news and files) .

BNC features are:

* Main BNC Client features
o Detecting available BNC servers
o Viewing summary of available news in each server
o Downloading multiple news (and attachments) at a time
o Adding the downloaded news into the news collection which can later be shared again to other user.
o Sending a special wake-up SMS to an inactive server
o Join a voting
o Insert news remotely to BNC server
o Delete news remotely
o Previewing attached files, including picture, audio, and video files

* Main BNC Server features
o Managing News and Categories
o Managing Votes
o Managing User
o Publishing News, Votings, and Services (Remote Insertion and Remote Deletion services)
o Creating a backup file for the stored news
o Restoring news from a backup file

* In progress
o Enabling a buddy server list in BNC client
o Enabling file sharing in both BNC client and Server application
o Enabling encryption to let user to create passworded-news

Phone minimum requirements:

- Java MIDP 2.0
- Bluetooth
- Minimum of 500 kBytes of memory

Currently, I haven't writen user manual or online help file for this application. You can use either my blog or emails to interact with me and others. Please, send your feedback about BNC to my blog (kerjaannyagumi.blogspot.com).

License Agreement

BNC is a freeware and copyrighted by Antony Gumi. All other brands or products mentioned are subjects to their respective owners. BNC can be used and/or distributed freely but the content should not be modified. Making money from this application is not allowed. Scan this application distribution for viruses, trojans, or other malicious threats before using it since I cannot guarantee it is as original as I uploaded it to the internet. By downloading and using BNC you are agreed to be responsible for anything you do using this software.

Antony Gumi

BNC is available for download here: http://www.4shared.com/file/50262505/73a2655/BNC.html

Sunday, June 01, 2008

My Thesis - Literature Study - JSR 120

According to WMA specification [1], JSR-120 is Wireless Messaging API for J2ME. This API allows J2ME applications (MIDlets) to send and receive messages which widely known as Short Message Service (SMS). It allows MIDlets to create a message connection to both local and remote devices by using the MessageConnection class. The connection can be opened using the Connector.open(String argument) method with string of “sms://” followed by the phone number and the messaging port number as the argument. Later on, the MIDlet can use this connection to send and receive messages by using the send() and receive() method respectively. The object of the message itself can be created by using the Message class. Then, the MIDlet can put the text content of the message into the message object or get the text content out of the message object by using the setPayloadText() or the getPayloadText() method respectively.

In this thesis project, JSR-120 will be used to employ the Push Registry feature of J2ME (JSR-118). Thus, the client will be able to send a SMS in order to wake up the server application.

[1] Wireless Messaging API (WMA) for Java 2 Micro Edition version 1.1, JSR-120 Expert Group. wma-1_1-mr-spec.pdf.

My Thesis - Literature Study - JSR 118

JSR-118 introduces a new mechanism in J2ME applications, called Push Registry. According to Sun’s developer website [1], Push Registry enables MIDlet to start automatically or launch itself without user initiation when a certain events have occurred. These certain events include the call of time-based alarm or an alert of an incoming network connection.

[1] Sun Developer Network Site: J2ME technology reference. http://developers.sun.com/mobility/reference/techart/index.jsp.