Saturday, February 23, 2008

3rd week of February

*NOD32 Antivirus Update
Buat temen-temen yang pake antivirus NOD32, update terbarunya (update NOD32 bulan Februari) ada disini:

*Student to PU
Adakah announcement board "Student to PU" di Universitas Presiden kita tercintah?

*Indomilk Coklat & Sorbet Duren
Ho ho.. minuman favorit gw: sorbet duren (tersedia di home resto ato beli aja di tukang jus duren terdekat ato bikin aja sendiri, mirip-mirip kok rasanya he he he...) n indomilk coklat pake es batu yang banyak bgt (yg ini bikin sendiri di rumah)

Hmmm... no... don't ask...

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